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Few things to know before booking.
1 You are awesome for choosing us!
2 Your credit card does not get charged right away when you book the space!!
Let us know when you arrive if you just want us to charge it or pay cash and save the card fees.
3 You can pay with cash on the day of your booking or a check if we know you! Save the cc fees!
4 There is a 2 hour minimum booking (EXCEPT FOR 8 to 10 !!) see #7!!
5 Access to the studio is strictly enforced. Set up / tear down included!
If you want to get in early, or leave later, you must pay for the extra time. (Fair - right?)
6 We have a strict, very strict, 3 day cancellation policy! No exceptions, the card will be charged.
7 Please do not book 8 to 10 PM.. It blocks off the rest of the night. 8-10 bookings will be deleted.
8 Please be sure to check the date and time slot. See number 6 above!!
9 Service and credit card fees are included..... unless you pay cash.
10 You are even more awesome for understanding our policies!
11 By clicking the following link, you agree with our booking policies outlined on this website.
If your're not sure what is cool and what is not click here..
OKAY, you're ready to go!
OR Call our office at
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